
澳门受权博彩网站 collaborates with numerous agencies and organizations to provide students in several majors to provide internship and field work experiences for students to gain critical educational aspects for soon-to-be graduates. 我们一直在为学生寻找优质的澳门网络博彩网站体验.

TU的一些专业要求学生进行实地考察作为课程的一部分.  Other majors offer the opportunity for students to do internships for credit toward their degree.  

如果你有兴趣在你的机构/组织有一个TU学生, 请参阅以下信息,了解每个专业的具体指导方针.


澳门受权博彩网站商业部门与无数的行业合作, 包括银行, 会计, 销售, 小型企业, 非营利组织, 公共部门, in an effort to provide unique “real world” opportunities for our undergraduate and graduate students. 学生通常与经验丰富的专业人士一起工作, 谁致力于教学和指导, 通过实习经历.

During an internship, students are required to participate in preparing for their job interviews. 我们的实习经历包括填写申请表, 制作一份简历,参加行业领袖的面试. 当雇佣, 实习生准备周报, 包括记录他们每周的任务和工作时间吗.

学生工作120小时可获得3个大学学分. 此外,许多公司提供津贴和全职或兼职工作的途径.


Dr. 宝琳·雷,业务部主席
229-226-1611 x 1024


  • Oil-Dri
  • Ag-Pro
  • Lannigan & Associates会计师
  • 利昂县警长办公室
  • TC联邦银行
  • TECTS权力
  • 托马斯维尔社区资源中心
  • 南乔治亚的第二次丰收
  • WCTV电视
  • 托马斯维尔薪资发展部
  • 扶轮社
  • 托马斯维尔商会
  • 南方人寿供应公司
  • Everfan
  • 香草奶

+社会分工 & 行为科学

  • 心理咨询理学硕士
  • 心理学
  • 康复研究
  • 请向下滚动查看有关社会工作的信息

Gaining practical experience is an important and rewarding component of the graduate program in 咨询, 以及心理学的本科课程, “康复研究及社会工作. Students partner with the Division’s Fieldwork Coordinator to locate and secure suitable sites in cities throughout the country. The following information will prepare students and prospective site supervisors for successful fieldwork experiences.


澳门受权博彩网站 is grateful to our many community-based agency partners providing important practical experiences to students helping them prepare for careers in Clinical Mental Health and Clinical Rehabilitation 咨询. Site supervisors meet TU’s program requirements when the following qualifications are in place:

  • 咨询或相关专业的硕士学位
  • 适当的专业执照和/或证书
  • 两年与学生项目相匹配的专业经验

除了, site supervisors need to acquire knowledge of TU’s program expectations and have appropriate training in counselor supervision. 期望在实地工作协议表格和实习手册中列出. 除了, 提供了包括辅导员监督策略在内的现场主管培训, 关键概念和最佳实践. This training also provides site supervisors with the information needed to easily and efficiently conduct weekly time log and narrative review/approval in TU’s online tool called Tevera. The Site 主管的信 provides additional technical information about Tevera access, 如果出现问题,我们总是在这里提供帮助.

最后, the Memorandum of Understanding solidifies the important working relationship TU hopes to establish with your agency.

Fieldwork Students in 心理学, 康复研究 and 心理咨询理学硕士

如果你准备参加你的第一个实地考察课程, please review the Fieldwork Letter for students and complete the online Fieldwork Intent Form. Completion of this form is the first step in the fieldwork planning process and should be completed no later than eight weeks prior to a semester in which you will be enrolled in Practicum, 我的实习, II或III. 所有参加实地考察的学生都需要在Tevera购买一个账户, 我们的在线现场工作文档工具. A one-time fee for program use needs to be completed prior to the start of the practicum semester. All students will be trained on the proper use of Tevera during the first week of practicum by the practicum instructor and step-by-step instructions on how to use Tevera are linked below.

NOTE: Undergraduate students enrolled in either the 心理学 or 康复研究 programs will not be required to use Tevera. Other fieldwork requirements are applicable and will be coordinated with Stephanie Palmieri.

Please review the TU 实地考察地点选择 presentation and plan to work closely with Stephanie Palmieri, 实地工作协调员, 在你寻找和确保一个合适的实地工作地点时,谁将为你提供支持.


Stephanie Palmieri, m.s.S.

一旦你获得了一个网站的批准, you and your site supervisor will be asked to sign a Fieldwork Agreement indicating your understanding of the fieldwork requirements and responsibilities. 也请参阅实地工作成功培训和实习手册.


Field placement in 澳门受权博彩网站’s Social Work program is a two-semester, concurrent sequence. This requires 200 hours per semester (400 hours over 2 semesters) or an average of 14 hours per week OR 400 hours in one semester, an average of 28 hours per semester (more hours if completed during the shorter Summer session).


Agency Instructors who work with student interns play a key role in their final educational aspects before graduation. Our goal is to offer field instructors with the support they need to provide a quality learning experience for our students, 包括易于获取的信息.


社会工作项目目前与许多社区机构合作, 来自公共和私营部门, 包括州政府, 为营利性和非营利性社会服务机构.

在代理机构和大学同意与学生实习生合作之后, 下一步是签署一份“谅解备忘录”,使两国关系正式化.” MOUs better explain the roles of all parties and serve as the basis of collaborative and supportive relationship between an agency and the university.

If you are interested in becoming an agency partner with our field program, please review the 社会工作实地项目邀请 并联系项目主管获取更多信息.

Dr. Kryss谢恩


实地体验办公室与教授合作, field supervisors and partner school districts to secure all PK-12 placements for field experiences and student teaching. The goal of the Coordinator of Placements and Partnerships is to assist the teacher candidate’s progression from theory to practice in pursuit of becoming a professional educator. The Coordinator of Placements and Partnerships strives to provide optimal field experiences in order for the teacher candidate to develop into an effective beginning teacher who values diversity and believes that all students can learn.

If you are interested in assisting with the education of future teachers, 请澳门网络博彩网站!

Dr. 詹妮弗Tesar


If you are interested in assisting with the education of future Medical Laboratory professionals, 请澳门网络博彩网站!






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